In Relationships...
God created us as vessels so we could radiate His joy through anything we are going through. He also created us to be in relationships with others. Whether those relationships are based on friendship, family, or romance - we were still created to be in relationships with others. Radiating joy in relationships is an incredibly crucial part of living like Christ, but it's definitely not an easy task to continually accomplish.
We all have people in our lives who rub us the wrong way, people who know how to push every button we have, and people you come in contact with once but maybe it's not the best experience. God calls us to love those people too, not just the ones we choose to live life with.
When we take a look at relationships we have to look beyond our inner circle, beyond our comfort zone, beyond the people who are in our daily life and begin to look at all people around us. Relationships typically form out of nowhere. One day maybe you meet someone new at church or the grocery store or the new job you started last Tuesday and now they are one of your best friends. But, if you wouldn't have taken time to say hello, smile at them, or help them - this friendship may have never formed.
God calls us to love all people. 1 John 3:11 says, "The message you heard from the very beginning is this: we must love one another." This verse isn't talking about the romantic love you may have for your spouse, your boyfriend, or fiancé. It's not even talking about the way you love your family. This verse just says that we must love one another. By "one another" this verse is talking about those who you come in contact with daily. This is your husband or wife, your family, your children, your boss, the person at the grocery store, your coworkers, the person at the car dealership, the guy who changes your tire, the woman who made your coffee - any person who you come in contact with. Whether these people are people you've known for years or people you meet one time - God has called you to love them.
Showing others love is reminding them of the good in the world, it's saying "please" and "thank you," it's smiling at the stranger you walk past, or buying coffee for someone you work with just because. Showing God's love to those around you is the essence of radiating his joy in relationships.
As I had this post in mind I thought I would focus more on romantic relationships or relationships with your family and friends. However, as I started typing God had something else in mind. We'll take a look at these specific relationships at a later time but for now as we go out in this world that we live in to do our daily tasks such as work, run errands, take a walk, go to the dog park, or grab a coffee make sure you are sharing love - the love of Christ.
Rachel Marie