Over the last few years I have spent time building rhythms that help me stay close to Jesus. These aren’t revolutionary things I have worked into my schedule or made time for. These are the typical things you hear your pastor talk about on a Sunday: read your Bible, pray, and continually invite Him into your day. Now you’re probably wondering what’s so revolutionary and why is this lady taking time to write a blog about it. Well, I’ll tell you this - I’ve never seen something impact my day more than these rhythms I’ve built in. When I miss a day, my day never goes quite as good, but these rhythms are easy enough to just pick up the next day and keep moving forward.
Here are my major non-negotiables when I set up these rhythms:
1. They can’t be overly time consuming.
2. It must be intentional time with God.
3. It’s about learning from Him and talking to Him.
I know that we all have busy lives and many things we like to attend and take part in, which is why it was important for it not to be more than an hour long rhythm each da. That is why being intentional is important. Two things must happen during the time spent with Him: 1. Learn from Him and His word and 2. Talk to Him. Here’s what I do each morning after a workout and a shower: I open my Bible - I am either reading through a book of the Bible or going through a devotional, regardless - I am reading from my physical Bible so I can underline, write notes in the margin, and marvel at His living and active word right before me. After I finish reading, which takes about 5-8 minutes depending on how long my plan is that day, I journal. First thing I address in my daily journal entry is a verse that stuck out to me from my daily reading.. As I write out the verse, I pray over it and ask God to help me memorize it, live by it, and imprint it in my heart. Then I journal my praises and thanks and what’s on my heart. I always start with my praises. Things I may praise Him for in my journal are: the sun coming out, new mercies each day, a warm home, an answered prayer, His protection and provision, and the list goes on. Then I tell Him what’s on my heart. These are prayer requests I have, things that my anxiety won’t let go of, and things I need to trust God with. Maybe it’s about a sick relative, a desire that’s on my heart, or asking for safe travels for my loved ones. Sometimes it’s to ask for help with forgiving someone, protection of my students, or health for a friend. When I finish journaling my praises and what’s on my heart, I always end my entry by inviting Him into my day.
Lord, I invite you into today.
Let this be a reminder to you that the rhythms of focusing on Him first thing in the morning don’t have to be complicated or take a lot of time, they just need to be intentional.
Rachel Marie