God is the beginning and the end. He brings life here on earth and He gives eternal life to those who believe in Him. What happens when you're left here on Earth and the people you love join Him in eternity? Tears, they flood you. Sorrow, it takes you over. Anger, it encompasses you. These feelings are all valid when it comes to physically losing someone you were close to, someone that you loved, someone who made a difference in your life.
Questions start flooding your brain. How do I move through these feelings and grow closer to Christ? Is this process going to be easy? Am I going to be broken down even more than I already am? What if I don't know Christ yet? What if I haven't accepted Him as my Savior?
Speaking from experience I can tell you that no matter what the answers are to the questions above, the only thing you need to know is that you can accept Jesus as your Savior at any moment in your life. You don't have to wait for everything to feel like it's going perfect in life to ask Him to come into your heart. He will take you as you are with arms wide open in the midst of your deepest valley, biggest heartbreak, or scariest thoughts.
You see, 9 years ago I accepted Jesus as my Savior which was exactly a year after losing my best friend so she could spend eternal life with our Father in Heaven. I went through a year of feeling lost. A year where I didn't understand how to cope with losing not only a my best friend, but my grandmother as well. I knew who Jesus was, but I didn't have a relationship with Him until I went through a year of searching for something more. In that year I learned this, that God will give you perfect peace no matter what you are going through. He says in John 14:27 "Peace I leave you, My peace I give to you; do not let your hearts be troubled nor let them be afraid."
So, when you're going through losing somebody you can radiate joy by finding peace in your Father, by praising Him when the world seems dark and when you feel alone, and by knowing and praying that the person you loss knew Jesus so that they may spend an eternity in Heaven with Him.
Always remember this, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 38:8-9
Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. No loss, no heartbreak, no death, no valley, no mountain, no anxiety, no depression, no darkness...NO, NOTHING can separate us from God's love.
If you've lost somebody close to you whether it was recently or years have passed, I challenge you to praise God for bringing you through it, to see the joy the comes in the morning, and to thank Him for giving us an eternity with Him.
Rachel Marie