

Welcome to my blog. I share what Jesus is teaching me in my writing and my photos. I'm so glad you're here!

Digging Deep

Digging Deep

It’s been a minute since I’ve updated the blog. I have really been focusing on social media and some top secret projects, but today I feel I need to write it all down.

I know this is true for everyone, but the past five weeks have been insane. They have stretched me, forced me to slow down, and put me completely and entirely outside of my comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong, I love my house and I am so darn grateful for it…however, I am NOT a homebody or an introvert in any sense of the term. So as you can imagine this has pushed me BEYOND myself to figure out how to stay sane during this time of “social distancing” or “forced slowness” as I like to call it.

During this time I have had to dig deep into His word to use the strength that only comes from Him. My heart is aching for so many reasons. Trips we had for spring break were cancelled. My second grade classroom no longer meets in person. Dates at the coffee shop with me and my computer are suspended until further notice. I can’t have people into my home for life group, game nights, dinner, nothing…. and for the enneagram 2 that I am, it is SO difficult. Things around all of us are continuing to cancel. Graduation is cancelled. Prom is not happening. Vacations are on hold. Life is taking one big PAUSE.

I have good news though, God is still WORKING, MOVING, LOVING, and being FAITHFUL. His work is not finished. He is not resting. He did not give up on me or you. When you read the Bible you are staying connected to Him. Remember the Bible is a living and breathing story. In the past five weeks as my quiet times have become a habit, necessity, and priority I have seen my life parallel to different stories and parts of scripture. God uses these words to teach us about life. The lives that we read about in the story of the Bible were real lives with real problems. They had our God right there with them just as we do.

As we continue to work through these times know this: He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. Continue to seek Him in His word and through prayer. He will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). Enjoy time in His creation on walks and stay connected to people through technology.

We will get through this together.


Rachel Marie

How to Stay Close to Jesus

How to Stay Close to Jesus

New Year, New Rythms

New Year, New Rythms