Radiate Joy

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In Rest...

On the 7th day, He rested. When I think about this I try to envision what Jesus would have done as he rested. Exodus 34:21 says, “Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest. In plowing time and in harvest you shall rest.” 

According to dictionary.com rest means to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying down, or relaxing. I know that I truly have a difficult time doing this, but I am working on it. Rest is something Jesus is so adamant about us doing. The Bible talks about rest in Matthew, Exodus, Mark, and the Pslams. When we are truly resting and using the sabbath, we are following the instructions from the Lord. Just recently I took a vacation with my husband to visit some of our friends. Although our weekend was filled with beach days, kayaking, hiking, and more I found time to rest. I made time to take in His creations. I took time away from technology. I got out of my daily routine and just rested in the goodness of the people around me. These are people God gifted me. 

Exodus 33:14 says, “And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Wherever you go, His presence will be there with you. When you continually have Jesus with you, you can truly find rest wherever you are and in the middle of any season you’re in. I don’t think rest is sleeping the day away or bingeing on Netflix for hours on end. However, I do believe rest is intentional. I am a definite extrovert so I get filled up by being around others and it is so difficult for me to take time to myself, even though I know how important self care really is. When I think of rest I think of doing things that fill your soul. This past weekend for me was spending time soaking up God’s creation. It was taking time to rest at the beach, without an agenda. Rest was hiking through the trees of Raleigh with my friends. When I’m home, rest can look differently. Rest can be taking a short nap on a Sunday afternoon after a morning of church. Rest can also be a coffee date with a friend who truly fills my soul up. Rest is something that fills your cup. Rest is found when you seek Jesus with your whole heart. 

If you are struggling to find rest I challenge you to seek Him daily. Dig into God’s word. Find comfort in prayer. Sing praises to our God. He will give you rest when you seek Him with all your heart. 


Rachel Marie